100 days of practice is music to charity’s ears
Over 40 music students from across East Ayrshire took part in the ‘100 Days of Practice’ initiative earlier this year, raising an incredible £720 for The Kris Boyd charity in the process.
Running from Wednesday 17 March until the last day of term on Friday 25 June, the young people participated in a series of weekly music themes set by the East Ayrshire Music Service. Students and staff shared daily photographs, videos or descriptions of their practice and took part in games and fun events online. On the last day of term, a special compilation video showcasing the 100 days of practice was premiered on social media
Emma Tomlinson, Upper Strings Tutor with East Ayrshire Music Service, who created the innovative fundraising initiative, presented Kris Boyd with a cheque for £720 at special event with colleagues Julie Carrie, Krista Donelly, Josip Petrac and Stewart Forbes and music students Sophie Henry, Erin Judge, Arrah Chalmers and Beth Patterson.
Emma Tomlinson said: “The ‘100 Days of Practice’ initiative was designed to encourage our students to practice every day, to bring the musical community together, to have fun while learning and raise money for charity.
“And we really did have lots of fun. We had special themes, like practice in fancy dress or in the garden and we shared videos and photos on the East Ayrshire Music Service and Youth Music Initiative social media. All of our young people were sponsored by friends and family and the support our young musicians received was just incredible.”
Councillor Fiona Campbell, Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning, Education and Skills and Culture said: “The ‘100 Days of Practice’ initiative was an inspired idea. It ensured that our young people were engaged and enthusiastic about practicing every day and that their ability as musicians improved significantly.
“I am so proud of our young people who showed such commitment to their practice and also managed to raise £720 for such a worthwhile local charity. Kris Boyd’s charity does great work locally, supporting young people and raising awareness of suicide prevention, I know that he will have been delighted with this wonderful donation.”