
1635 items found, showing page 1 of 137

Mr & Mrs Bennett GW 21.3.25

Michael and Elizabeth Bennett celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary

Councillor Elaine Cowan visited Michael and Elizabeth Bennett from Kilmarnock recently to pass on congratulations as they celebrated fifty years of marriage.

East Ayrshire Council

Response to consultation - Park School senior phase permanent relocation to St Joseph's Academy

A response to the consultation on the proposal - 'To permanently relocate the senior phase of pupils (S4-S6) at Park School to accommodation within St Joseph’s Academy from the beginning of the academic year 2025/2026 in August 2025' is now available. 

EAC Shankly Football Tournament 20

Bill Shankly Memorial Football Festival

This year’s Bill Shankly football festival was another great success with eleven schools taking part in the annual event.

Kayden Dunn overall award

East Ayrshire Youth Awards celebrate our young people in style

The East Ayrshire Youth Awards took place this week with a glamorous theme at the Park Hotel in Kilmarnock.

Mr & Mrs Stewart DW 17.3.25

James and Isobel Stewart celebrate Diamond Wedding Anniversary

Provost Claire Leitch and Councillor James Adams visited Kilmarnock couple James and Isobel Stewart recently to congratulate them on 60 years of marriage.

Mr Adams and Mr Smith

Loudoun Hill at sunrise…a lunar eclipse…it can only be PiDay 2025

Grange Academy’s annual PiDay celebrations were elevated to new heights this year when a group of 22 young people from S2 climbed Loudoun Hill ready for the lunar eclipse at 6.19am.

Cllrs Reid, McMahon, Mabon, Barton and Boyd visit the newly completed housing development on Kennedy Drive Kilmarnock with Depute Chief Executive Richard Grieveson, CCG Managing Director, David Wylie and representatives from Housing Services

Visiting East Ayrshire Council's newly completed housing development on Kennedy Drive, Kilmarnock

A visit took place to the newly completed housing development on Kennedy Drive in Kilmarnock recently.

East Ayrshire Council

Road casualty trends on A76 discussed at Cabinet

Elected members discussed the issue of road casualty trends at Cabinet this week and agreed that much more needs to be done to prevent an increasing number of casualties and fatalities on the A76.

Arthur DW 27.2.25

James and Annie Arthur celebrate Diamond Wedding Anniversary

Provost Claire Leitch and Councillor Jim McMahon visited Cumnock couple James and Annie Arthur recently to congratulate them on 60 years of marriage.

East Ayrshire Council

Ayrshire Roads Alliance sets out investment in our roads

East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet has agreed the Ayrshire Roads Alliance’s programme of investment works that will allow improvements to be carried out to carriageways, footways and street lighting, in addition to bridge strengthening and investment in transportation, traffic and road safety.

East Ayrshire Council

Pavement parking enforcement update

East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet received an update this week on the progress being made with arrangements for the new pavement parking enforcement regulations which have been introduced by the Scottish Government.

East Ayrshire Council

New alternative school transport policy agreed for 2025/26 academic year

An alternative school transport policy for academic year 2025/26 was agreed at the recent meeting of Cabinet.