A Christmas message from Councillor Douglas Reid, Leader, East Ayrshire Council
As 2021 comes to a close it’s natural that we reflect on these difficult times and look forward with some anxiety to the year ahead. This pandemic has certainly been trying, but we can also take heart from having seen the very best of people and communities as we’ve all pulled together, looked after each other and learned to appreciate what really matters in life.
From our magnificent care workers, to our health services, shop workers, delivery drivers, charity workers, and all our amazing volunteers, there are so many people, from all walks of life, who’ve gone the extra mile to help keep us going - we’ve been shown the best of humanity.
And despite our struggles with isolation, restrictions and disruption to “normal” life, so much that’s positive for the future has still been achieved. With the developments like CentreStage, the HALO project the opening of the Barony Campus and the launch of our Climate Change Strategy, we’ve been spurred on by our magnificent young people who’ve driven us all to examine and change our habits and work practices for a Clean Green East Ayrshire future.
Christmas is certainly a time to take stock, but it’s also a time to celebrate the young, ring the changes, look forward to something better and start a new year afresh. And with our young people showing us the way, we can approach this with optimism. Wherever you are, and whatever you’re doing this Christmas I wish you a happy, peaceful and healthy festive season.