Annual performance report to tenants
The Annual Performance Report to Tenants, which sets out the performance of the Council’s Housing Service, has been published on the Council’s website.
The report, prepared in partnership with tenant representatives and the East Ayrshire Federation of Tenants and Residents, helps to keep tenants, service users and other customers of the Housing Service informed of its annual performance and progress towards meeting the outcomes of the Scottish Housing Charter.
It contains useful performance information and allows tenants to compare the Council’s performance against other similar sized local authorities.
A more detailed Annual Performance Report, which contains comparisons with similar sized local authorities and Scottish average figures, complements the tenants report and is also available online.
Councillor Jim McMahon, Cabinet Member for Housing said: “The annual Performance Report to Tenants details the Council’s Housing Service performance in a clear and uncomplicated way. Our goal is to ensure that our tenants and stakeholders understand where funding has been invested across East Ayrshire and that they can easily see our successes over the last year.
“We also welcome any views on the report. If there is anything you would like to see in future performance reports, please let us know by contacting the Customer Liaison Team or by providing feedback online using the short smart survey.”
Tenants and customers of Housing Services can email: customerliaisonteam@east-ayrshire.gov.uk; call 01563 554400 or write to FREEPOST RSEY-XHST-JHGL, East Ayrshire Council, Civic Centre North, John Dickie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1HW.
Hard copies and translated copies of the executive summary report are available from the contact details above.