Barnardo's proud to support schools recognised for their dedication to emotional wellbeing for children
Onthank Primary School in East Ayrshire has been awarded ‘SEL Worldwide Model School’ status, which has come about after they successfully integrated the ‘PATHS® Programme for Schools (UK Version)’ within everyday life.
This social and emotional learning (SEL) programme supports children from a young age to raise awareness of their feelings and helps them to develop self-regulation skills, and, earlier this month, Onthank Primary School was the latest recipient of the award.
This prestigious SEL Award is awarded by leading children’s charity Barnardo’s in recognition of the outstanding commitment to fostering emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, and overall wellbeing amongst school children.
Delivery of the programme is supported by specialist coaches from Barnardo’s. Activities are designed to help children’s development in learning to regulate their emotions, boost self-esteem, increase their emotional awareness and teach them problem-solving skills. This includes within relationships and friendships, with the aim of improving the mental health of nursery and primary school pupils.
There are now three Model Schools in East Ayrshire and Barnardo’s has supported 11 schools in region since 2019. Staff and pupils from Onthank Primary were presented with their awards by Áine White Programme Co-ordinator from Barnardo’s, who has been working closely with schools to support staff to embed the programme into everyday learning and star guest, Twiggle the Turtle.
Alison Wright, Headteacher at Onthank Primary School, said “The PATHS® Programme at Onthank Primary School has had many positives for our young people, the staff and our wider school community. A special highlight for me has been seeing pupils’ confidence, self-esteem, and self-awareness increase.
“Pupils at Onthank Primary feel empowered to make positive choices and to contribute to the positive ethos of our school through giving and receiving daily compliments not only to each other but to staff and visitors alike. PATHS has allowed us to give our pupils the opportunity to put their emotional wellbeing at the forefront of their learning, supports our wider curriculum and allows all our pupils to achieve to their true potential.
“I am thrilled to be a school that is recognised for upholding the PATHS values and to have achieved this Model School status. I look forward to continuing our PATHS journey and I am excited for our next steps and seeing our young people thrive in their learning experiences with PATHS at the heart of this success.”
Councillor Elaine Cowan, Spokesperson for Education, and Children and Young People attended the PATHS celebration event with Provost Jim Todd and Depute Head of Education Graham McGinn. She said: “What a fitting way to celebrate the school’s PATHS Award. The children and young people from the school choir performed with great enthusiasm and everyone got up to dance at the end to a wonderful rendition of ‘Proud’. The children and young people from P5, P6 and P7 also did a fantastic job explaining their PATHS journey.
“Provost Todd and I felt the positivity and kindness in the room and were delighted to congratulate Head Teacher Alison Wright, and the whole of team Onthank for achieving this award. They really did make us feel proud!”
Hazel Russell, Children Services Manager at Barnardo’s, said: “To be an SEL Worldwide Model School using the PATHS® Programme requires more than to have teachers doing a high-quality job of teaching the lessons in their classrooms.
“This school has worked to create deeper transformation nurturing whole-school systems change that has included embodying SEL skills in the school’s leadership, using SEL practices throughout the school, creating a school culture in which staff and pupils feel valued and nurtured, creating positive expectations that pupils and staff will utilise SEL skills throughout the school, with peers and adults, and communicating with parents and supporting the ability to use SEL skills at home.
“We are extremely proud of the way this setting has taken the PATHS® Programme and made it part of the fabric of their school. We’re delighted to work with SEL Worldwide to recognise this achievement.”
Notes to editors
Issued on behalf of Barnardo's
In the past year, Barnardo’s in Scotland provided essential support to more than 11,500 children, young people, parents and carers through more than 150 specialised community-based services and partnerships across the country. The charity works to ensure that every child has the best possible start in life. To donate, volunteer or fundraise, please visit the Barnardo's website