Celebrating the emergency services
The first ever ‘Emergency Services Day’ was celebrated this week at Council HQ in Kilmarnock.
Representatives from the emergency services joined Councillor Tom Cook, Chair of the Police and Fire and Rescue Scrutiny Committee to mark the day which promotes the effectiveness and efficiency of the emergency services and the partnership working between them and local authorities.
The day was also about promoting volunteering in the emergency services, educating people about using emergency services responsibly, and advising the public about how to help the emergency services, for example in the event of a terrorist attack or fire.
The day provided an opportunity for members of the Council to see the new Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Emergency Vehicle. As part of the development of its operational capability, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service ordered 33 new emergency vehicles to help provide a more flexible emergency response to communities across Scotland. These new ‘Rapid Response Units’ are currently being built at the Emergency 1 facility in Cumnock and preparations are now underway to have the vehicles deployed in the very near future.
The bespoke vehicles will include the introduction of new firefighting technology into Scotland in the form of Ultra High Pressure Lances. These will help crews to tackle a fire quickly from the outside of a building by injecting a high pressure suppressant through walls and doors.
Councillor Cook said: “Over one million people work in the British emergency services today – many of whom are volunteers, and more than 7,000 personnel have lost their lives in the course of their duties. It’s important that we recognise the contribution they make to keeping people safe and saving people’s lives. It’s also a good time to encourage the public to consider volunteering in a wide range of capacities such as the special constabulary, retained firefighters or NHS community responders.”
For more information on volunteering opportunities, visit www.999day.org.uk/