Cleaner Communities visit Littlemill Primary for recycling fun
Cleaner Communities attended Littlemill Primary School recently and helped the children and young people learn more about the importance of recycling.
Mark, Calum and Jordan from the Community Waste team visited the school with a Romaquip vehicle to talk to the children and young people. They explained what recycling means, the importance of food recycling at school and at home, and also what can be recycled from home. There was a quiz and a beanbag game where the children and young people selected a beanbag with a type of waste written on it. They then had to ‘dispose’ of it by throwing it in the correct bin, which was a lot harder than it sounds.
Vicky McWilliam, Principal Teacher for Climate Change also joined in the fun. Her team will be supporting Cleaner Communities at school visits due to take place in the new year.
Councillor Jim McMahon, Cabinet Spokesperson for Housing, Transport and Communities said: “The Community Waste Officers from Cleaner Communities have started visiting our primary schools as part of a Cleaner, Greener project to encourage our children and young people to recycle.
“The children and young people from Littlemill did a great job playing the beanbag game and were also very knowledgeable about what can be recycled and where. The only thing they didn’t guess correctly was just how much food waste is thrown away each year in East Ayrshire - 3100 tonnes which is 21 MILLION Kilmarnock pies. It is pretty hard to get your head around this to be honest. That’s why it is so important that we help teach our children and young people, and their families, about food waste recycling to reduce the impact on the environment and also about reducing food waste to help save families money.
“The children and young people, with help from their Janitor Beth, showed Mark and the team their food waste bin and Mark explained to them how this waste was going to be turned into electricity. The children and young people gave a commitment to recycle more at school and at home, so all in all, it was a very successful visit.”
Head Teacher Heather Sabatini said: “We were delighted to welcome the team from Cleaner Communities to our school and to learn more about recycling. Our children and young people really enjoyed the visit and are excited to identify more recycling opportunities in their classrooms.”