Consultation is now live
We are consulting on Willowbank Primary relocation and addition of early years facilities, the incorporation of a Supported Learning Centre at Onthank campus, and Mount Carmel Primary School's addition of an Early Childhood Centre (ECC).
On Wednesday 20 April 2022, East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet took the decision to launch a consultation in relation to:
(1) the discontinuation of the Willowbank Primary phase within the existing Willowbank School and its relocation to the current Onthank Campus
(2) the establishment of an additional early years transition facility within the relocated Willowbank Primary School
(3) the formal incorporation of the existing inclusion resource at the Onthank Campus as a Supported Learning Centre
(4) the establishment of an Early Childhood Centre at Mount Carmel Primary School
The consultation, which started today Monday 25 April, will end on Thursday 9 June and will seek the views of parents and carers of children and young people who currently attend Willowbank School, Onthank Primary and Early Childhood Centre and Mount Carmel Primary, plus other relevant stakeholders including Education Scotland.
Virtual public meetings for parents/ carers and other interested parties will be held on:
Wednesday 11 May at 5.30pm – Onthank Primary School and ECC
Wednesday 18 May at 5.30pm – Willowbank School
Wednesday 25 May at 5.30pm – Mount Carmel Primary School
Please register your interest with the relevant Head Teacher, and a link to the meeting will be supplied directly.
Interested parties are invited to respond to the consultation online or by making written or electronic submissions on the proposal to the Chief Education Officer/ Head of Education, East Ayrshire Council, Council Headquarters, London Road, Kilmarnock KA3 7BU or by e-mail: education.consultation@east-ayrshire.gov.uk by close of business on Thursday 9 June 2022.
Those sending in a response, whether by letter or electronically, should know that their response will be open to public scrutiny and may have to be supplied to anyone making a reasonable request to see it. If they do not wish their response to be publicly available, they should clearly write on the document: “I wish my response to be considered as confidential with access restricted to elected members and council officers of East Ayrshire Council.” Otherwise, it will be assumed that the person making the response agrees to it being made publicly available.
The Proposal Document is available on the Council’s website .It is also available, by prior appointment only, at Council HQ, London Road, Kilmarnock, KA3 7BU and each of the affected schools.