Consultation on proposed housing development within Mauchline
A public consultation is being held on a new housing development proposed for Kilmarnock Road, Mauchline.
The proposals, which have been developed by the Council in conjunction with Developer CCG (Scotland) Ltd and their Design Team, could see an assisted living development and three wheelchair accessible bungalows being built for the East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
The development would be similar to existing facilities within Kilmarnock and Hurlford, consisting of 13 assisted living flats, six of which are designed to meet the needs of wheelchair users, an onsite staff base and three bungalows designed for wheelchair users.
Robert McCulloch, Interim Head of Housing and Communities said: “Public consultations are a normal part of any proposed housing development and it is essential that the local community have their say before we submit a Planning Application. Normally we hold community events and invite local people to attend public meetings but Covid-19 restrictions mean that we will be holding all our public consultations online.”
Councillor Jacqui Todd, Cabinet Member for Housing, Welfare and Poverty said: “The development proposed for Mauchline will enable residents to live independently and safely in the local community, with support from health and social care services, in an environment that promotes social interaction. The concept for this development has been informed by collaborative working between the Council’s Housing Service and East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
“Any feedback received will help inform the final proposals submitted to Planning and the Ayrshire Roads Alliance.”
Plans for this area, which are set out in the Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) 2021- 26, have been progressed by the Council’s Developer, CCG (Scotland) Ltd, and their Design Team.
MAST Architects have prepared a consultation booklet that can be viewed online or downloaded. The booklet provides details of the proposed site layout and floor plans for the houses, along with some indicative visualisations of what the development may look like, subject to securing Planning approval.
MAST Architects have also prepared a consultation booklet that can be requested by post. If you require a paper copy please call either 07717 516965 or 07561 676479 and leave your name and address. A booklet will be posted to you with a freepost return envelope.
The public consultation for Mauchline is open now http://mastarchitects.co.uk/consultations/kilmarnock-road-mauchline and will close on Monday 19 July.