Double youth conference success
Over 200 young people took part in this year’s annual Junior and Senior Youth Conferences in Kilmarnock last week with topics based around particular articles that feature in the United Nations Rights of the Child.
The conferences, which were designed by a group of young people who were supported by Vibrant Communities, saw participants take part in three fun and engaging workshops which included hate crime, identity and a session of mindfulness and Yoga Nidra to help them relax.
Those who attended the conferences got the chance to meet with many other young people from across East Ayrshire and to work with them throughout the day in the workshops. They also got to have their say about East Ayrshire Council during a Vibrant Voices update and to share their views with members of the Council’s Transformation Team.
Both conferences had a music festival feel and at the end of both days, all of the young people got to watch some of their peers showcasing their musical talents as ‘headline acts’. There were superb performances from pupils of Kilmarnock Academy, Cumnock Academy and local singer Emily Robinson.
Depute Provost Claire Leitch, who is also Children’s Champion, said: “The conferences were two of many events that have been held to celebrate the Year of Young People and as Children’s Champion, I was delighted to a part of them.
“Events like these take a lot of hard work to organise and I would like to thank everyone involved for putting them together. All of the young people got really involved in the workshops and it was fascinating to hear from their perspective about topics such as mindfulness, identity and discrimination.”