Dyslexia Roadshow - FB Post (1)

Dyslexia Roadshow coming to Kilmarnock

Vibrant Communities will be hosting a free event next month during Dyslexia Awareness Week Scotland where people can chat about dyslexia and the support that is available.

Taking place on Thursday 2 November from 6pm - 9pm at St. Joseph’s Campus on Grassyards Road, Kilmarnock, the event will include workshops and a marketplace where a range of stall holders will be on hand to talk about dyslexia. The roadshow is open to anyone looking for support and information for themselves, family or friends. 

Workshops will focus on how visual difficulties can affect reading; tips and practical help for using devices, and a representative from Dekko Comics will talk about fun ways to engage reluctant readers.

If you would like to sign up for a workshop or find out more, please e-mail janice.mcavoy@east-ayrshire.gov.uk or call 07920 845491.