East Ayrshire communities are in it together
How you can help
Communities across East Ayrshire have been showing real community spirit during this challenging time by pulling together and looking out for one another during the current coronavirus crisis.
From Kilmarnock FC to Stewarton Coronavirus Support Group and Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise, East Ayrshire Council currently has over 80 community groups who have come forward to help with things like shopping, collecting prescriptions, or simply providing a friendly ear for someone to talk to.
This equates to over 400 registered key volunteers who are helping more than 700 people in our local communities. Volunteers have also been helping out in our care homes and sheltered housing, as well as supporting the free school meals and foodbank services.
The Council’s catering team has produced and delivered over 24,000 free meals across East Ayrshire over the last week and the team has received some very positive feedback: “All of the food received last week has been gratefully received and enjoyed by my family. With my current health, the provision of one meal per day for the household that doesn’t have to be prepared is an absolute godsend.”
Another local resident commented on the support she had received from the Council’s Vibrant Communities service: “We appreciate the support you are putting into the area. Without this, my husband would be unable to get the medication he needs. You are the first people to be able to provide help for me and my husband, and it has taken a huge weight off my shoulders.”
To build on this incredible level of support, East Ayrshire Council needs more volunteers who can provide practical or emotional support to those who need it most just now. There are so many ways you can help, even from your own home. You can find out more and sign up to volunteer now at ReadyScotland.org.
Provost Jim Todd said: “My thanks go to every single one of our volunteers for their incredible efforts so far. We would love to have even more people to help us face the challenges that the coming weeks will bring so I would encourage anyone who is able to, to sign up and become a volunteer.
“My thanks also go to our Vibrant Communities Service for co-ordinating the overall community response to the crisis. We also have hundreds of Council employees who have volunteered to change roles and take on alternative work to help keep essential services running and our communities safe. It’s important that we keep our own staff safe at this time too and we are working hard to make sure this happens.
“I must also say a special thank you to each and every one of you who is doing your bit by staying at home to help prevent the spread of this virus. I know how hard it must be for you all, but you mustn’t lose sight of the fact that you are all playing a vital role in helping to save lives across the country. If we all work together and support one another, we will get through this and come out the other side as stronger, kinder and even more connected communities.”
How we can help you
If you’ve received a letter from the Scottish Government advising you to stay at home for 12 weeks, or if you need assistance or provisions, the Council can help. This shielding approach aims to protect those who are at very high risk of severe illness from coronavirus by minimising all interaction between them and others.
If you’ve been identified as someone who should be shielding, you should not leave your home for the 12 week period advised and you should minimise all non-essential contact with other members of your household.
Within your letter you will have been given a contact number to telephone to register for support. There are also a number of local resilience groups across East Ayrshire who can help and their details can be found at www.east-ayrshire.gov.uk/coronavirus under Community Support or alternatively call the Council on 01563 554400.