MIR crop

East Ayrshire’s future goes to consultation with LDP2

The future of planning in East Ayrshire has been thrown open to the public with the launch of the council’s Local Development Plan2 consultation this week.

 Residents, community groups and local businesses are all being asked to contribute their views on a new Main Issues Report, which sets the priorities for future planning and development throughout the area.

Publication of the Main Issues Report (MIR) is the first step in the process of preparing a new Local Development plan to replace the current one which was adopted in 2017. It takes into account all the factors and circumstances that have changed since the previous plan was implemented and gives communities and planners alike an opportunity to consider whether fresh approaches are needed.  The MIR examines climate change from a local perspective, sustainable transport links and what infrastructure is needed to improve quality of life.”

Councillor Jim Roberts, East Ayrshire Council member for economy and infrastructure welcomed the consultation, saying “I am sure many residents of East Ayrshire will want to make the most of this opportunity to look at what’s on the planning agenda, comment and take part in what is a genuine debate on the proposals.

“At this stage nothing is set in stone. The more everyone gets involved and gives their input the better our overall Local Development Plan 2 will be.

“We’re urging people to visit our webpages, east-ayrshire.gov.uk/LDP2 , take a look at the Main Issues Report and its supporting documents and then either give us their feedback via our online survey, or using a printable form, which can be emailed or posted back to  us. Full details  of the reports and how to make a formal response are on our website’s consultations page east-ayrshire.gov.uk/consultations

“ Under normal circumstances we’d be holding public events and local exhibitions as part of this consultation, unfortunately however, the current situation with Covid-19 means  this will not be possible at the moment. Instead we may look at holding some kind of online meeting for anyone with questions or points to raise and we will try to organise more traditional consultation events on the MIR later in the year In the meantime anyone who is interested in being kept informed can also sign up to get regular emails about the consultation on our StayConnected system. eastayrshi.re/stayconnected.”

The closing date for submissions about the Main Issues Report is 4.00pm, 31 July.Links to the documents and full details about how to submit your views are on the webpage east-ayrshire.gov.uk/LDP2


Notes to editors

Notes for editors

Primary aims of LDP2

1.Stabilise East Ayrshire’s population and seek to achieve population growth

2. Create good quality places with resilient and safe communities, ensuring a good quality of life for existing and future residents

  1. Direct development to sustainable locations which are located close to local services, facilities and local public transport networks
  1. Ensure measures are in place to assist in reducing the effects of climate change and in meeting climate change targets
  2. Assist in providing opportunities for the delivery of health and social care services in the future
  1. Drive economic growth and inward investment in a sustainable manner
  1. Strive for better infrastructure to assist in creating good quality places
  1. Ensure there is access to employment opportunities, and services through the provision of a high quality green network and active travel network
  1. Encourage low carbon solutions and ensure there is a responsible and justified approach to renewable energy development
  1. Ensure there is a responsible and justified approach to minerals extraction with appropriate restoration and aftercare
  1. Protect and enhance the built and natural features of East Ayrshire’s historic environment
  1. Protect and enhance our diverse natural environment
  1. Encourage tourism opportunities in East Ayrshire, in particular those that protect and enhance East Ayrshire’s rich landscape, history and cultural heritage
  1. Recognise the changing face of retail whilst promoting our town centres