Event charts economic journey since bold Strategy launch
TOM Arthur, Minister for Employment and Investment, was the special guest at a major business event in Ayrshire this week. The bold Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy (RES) was launched in June 2023 and the ‘Making and Keeping the £ in Ayrshire’ event at Ayrshire College, Kilwinning, was a chance to explore the journey since it was launched.
The strategy is the first in Scotland to feature Community Wealth Building as a founding principle.
A Delivery Plan was launched in October 2023 to support the RES vision and to set out a series of practical actions. The Year 1 Delivery Plan had a total of 46 actions, many with a timescale reaching beyond one year. To date, 40% of these actions have been completed, with a number of multi-year actions carrying on into Year 2 and successes including:
- Strengthened partnership working including NHS engagement on our Regional Strategy Delivery Group;
- Mapping of business support across the region, including for third sector organisations, with the aim of making this easier to access and understand what is available;
- Approval of funding for the regional 5G Innovations Region project.
Mr Arthur was one of the keynote speakers and explained the importance of Community Wealth Building in regional economic development. Angela Cox, Principal and Chief Executive of Ayrshire College, spoke about how skills and innovation are important drivers for economic prosperity for Ayrshire.
Employment and Investment Minister Tom Arthur said:
“It’s impressive to see how public bodies, businesses and community organisations are working together to drive growth in Ayrshire.
“The Scottish Government is committed to supporting regional economic partnerships to create and sustain jobs and grow local and regional wealth. Inspired by the example of Ayrshire, our Community Wealth Building Bill will support this approach to economic development.”
There was also a chance for guests to engage with expert panellists in discussions on skills and innovation, and discover how these crucial elements are shaping the future of our region's prosperity.
Councillor Martin Dowey, Leader of South Ayrshire Council and Chair of the Ayrshire Economic Joint Committee said: “We are delighted to be hosting this event which brings together businesses from across the region to hear about the challenges and opportunities around working and doing business in Ayrshire.
“A lot has happened in the 15 months since the Strategy was launched and it is vital that we collaborate and continue to deliver for our communities.
“What has been most encouraging is the determination and shared vision by so many to make a difference to this and future generations.”
Angela Cox, Principal and Chief Executive Officer said: "We are delighted to participate in this event and reflect on the journey since the launch of the Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy.
“As an active partner in the strategy, Ayrshire College plays a vital role in supporting the region’s economic prosperity by developing the skills and innovation needed for Ayrshire to thrive.
Our strategic ambition of Empowering People for a Changing World is directly aligned with the goals of the strategy, and through our partnerships with local businesses and community, we are helping to build a resilient and thriving future for Ayrshire."
The Strategy focusses on six themes:
- Support for Enterprise
- Fair Work
- Innovation
- Good Health and Wellbeing
- Stronger Places and Communities
- Enhancing Natural Capital