Festive message from Provost Jim Todd
2023 has flown by and it’s once again time for us to gather with family and friends and to create new and lasting memories.
As we enter this most festive of seasons though, it’s important to reflect on the difficult issues and conflicts taking place across the world and to try to take some kind of message of hope from all of the sadness and devastation that we see daily on the news.
My wish this season, and all year round, is for each and every one of us to spread a little more love and a little more understanding to help make our world a better, kinder, more tolerant and caring place. We all need to look out for each other and by doing this, we won’t only make a positive difference to other people’s lives, but to ours as well.
I wish you all a happy, peaceful and restful festive season and hope that 2024 brings you everything you wish for.
Provost Jim Todd
East Ayrshire Council