
Fishy goings on at Dalmellington Primary

Pupils and teachers from Dalmellington Primary school are getting up to some fishy business - and that’s official!

They are taking part in a national fishkeeping course aimed at inspiring and educating primary school children in the art and science of fish and fish keeping.

Developed by Maidenhead Aquatics, the UK’s leading aquatic supplier (with sponsorship from popular aquatic brands Fluval and Tetra) the video-led course is designed and produced by a team of expert fishkeepers and teachers, designed to  reflect science themes in the school curriculum.

The company, who ask pupils to document their experiences and to share their findings and observations as their learning journey progresses, provides all of the fish, guides and video tuition.

The pupils are encouraged to keep journals, create artwork and take photos that Maidenhead Aquatics can share on social media and website audiences to showcase the learning adventure.

Each week, pupils undertake set tasks with the chance of winning weekly prizes and, at the end of the course, a ‘Fishkeeper School of the Year’ will be announced. Pupil Jamie Simpson has already won an accolade of ‘Fishkeeper of the Week’.

Councillor Fiona Campbell, East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet member for Skills and Learning said: “Children and young people have an inbuilt fascination with water and marine life. Who didn’t love tadpoles when they were young?

“The Fishkeeper Fry course builds on that natural curiosity and encourages pupils to think about the importance of fish and aquatics, introducing topics such as ecology, biology and diversity. It’s a great idea!”