Foster Care Fortnight 2019
It’s Foster Care Fortnight, and this year the need for foster carers in East Ayrshire is greater than ever. With the theme of ‘Change a Future’, this fortnight asks people to look back at a moment in their life when they could see that their future changed. Perhaps it was a teacher telling you that you were really good at something that is now your career? Or a trip overseas which gave you a different outlook on life? Similarly, fostering is all about changing futures.
East Ayrshire Council’s Fostering Team is looking for people who can care for single children or sibling groups of all ages from birth to 18 years.
Although there is a minimum age requirement of 21 to become a foster carer, there is no maximum age limit. You don’t have to be married either - single people and same sex couples can apply. Fostering can even be a full-time occupation; what’s important is that you can give a child a family.
East Ayrshire Council has spoken to one foster carer who currently provides care to children. She said: “I have been a foster carer for over 30 years now and still love every moment of what I do. During that time I have looked after babies, children and teenagers and I remember every child I have cared for and will always remember them as each child is special in their own unique way. Being a foster carer means every day is different and the thing I enjoy most is seeing children grow in confidence and happiness.
“East Ayrshire is a great Council to foster for and I have always felt supported by the fostering team and my worker. When you foster with East Ayrshire you become part of a community of foster carers who all support one another and always have the children at the heart of everything they do.
“Fostering means every day is different and every day is about learning. There can be days that are tricky but your worker and the fostering team are always there to support and help with any hurdles. East Ayrshire Council offers lots of training opportunities and support you to increase your skills and knowledge.
“Fostering is like no other role in the world and I have enjoyed every moment of my career, even the challenging times. To see a child smiling and going on to achieve a positive future is really a wonderful thing. I would encourage anyone who is thinking of fostering to contact the Council for more information.”
East Ayrshire Council is keen to recruit individual from all walks of life who can provide a high quality of care to children. So if you’ve ever thought about fostering, please call 0800 434 6633 and speak to a member of our team who will be able to give you more details about starting the journey to become a foster carer. You can also visit www.fosteringandadoption.org.uk to find out more or text ‘fostering’ to 80039.