Fostering at weekends highlighted during Foster Care Fortnight
People working in and around East Ayrshire are being asked whether they have considered fostering during their spare time, providing short break care to children and young people at weekends or during holidays.
The call comes during Foster Care Fortnight, the UK’s biggest foster care awareness raising campaign, which aims to highlight the need for more foster carers.
Running from Monday 15 May to Sunday 28 May, this year’s theme is #FosteringCommunities.
To mark this year’s Foster Care Fortnight, East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership is asking the working community to imagine what they could be doing over the weekend if they were to become a foster carer.
Craig McArthur, Director at East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership explains: “The people we see day-to-day as part of our communities, such as teachers, builders and bakers, could also be providing much needed care to children and young people in East Ayrshire as short break foster carers during their time off.
“During this time, the experiences they provide, whether it’s a movie night, kitchen karaoke, arts and crafts or a day out at the park, will help create new, cherished memories for the children and young people they care for.
“We want working people in East Ayrshire to know that they too can be foster carers and still keep their job. If fostering is something you have been thinking about, we’d urge you to get in touch.”
Councillor Jim McMahon, East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet Spokesperson for Social Care and Mental Wellbeing, added: “Fostering is a truly fulfilling vocation and our carers often tell us it’s the best decision they have ever made. The positive impact they have on the children and young people they care for is remarkable.
“Not everyone will want to give up their career though, and there may be people in East Ayrshire who have wrongly discounted themselves from being able to foster. Short break care could be the perfect opportunity for them, and I can’t think of anything more rewarding to do with your free time.”
East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership is running an online foster care information evening on Thursday 25 May at 6pm. Details of how to register can be found at www.livingwellea.co.uk/2023/05/15/foster-care-fortnight-2023/.