Holiday fun and food at Vibrant Communities Easter activities
The Easter holidays are coming and Vibrant Communities are ready to entertain East Ayrshire’s children and young people with a full programme of free activities.
With bubble football, outdoor play and games, trips out, sports workshops and arts and crafts on offer; there is something for all ages and abilities.
All activities are free, you just need to book a place via eastayrshi.re/events or call 01563 576354.
Every child who attends will receive a free healthy packed lunch provided by the Council’s Catering Services team.
Councillor Elena Whitham, Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities said: “The Vibrant Communities Easter holiday programme is full to bursting with fun activities for young people of all ages. The activities are free and every participant will receive a free healthy packed lunch.
“Our Catering Services team will be working flat out preparing over 500 packed lunches a day during the holidays. At each activity there will also be healthy takeaway meals, prepared by the team at Centrestage, available for local families on a take what you need, pay what you can basis.
“We know the school holidays can be challenging for families and we are working hard with our partners in the voluntary sector to ensure that all of our young people are kept active, entertained and well fed during the break.”