Improvement works A71 North Ayrshire boundary to Kilmarnock (eastbound only)
The Ayrshire Roads Alliance, as part of its ongoing programme to improve the condition of the road network, will be carrying out essential road resurfacing works on the A71 from the North Ayrshire boundary to Moorfield roundabout.
The works are due to start on Monday 26 July and finish on Friday 13 August. To undertake these works safely and efficiently, the road will be closed from Corsehill roundabout on Monday 26 July for three nights from 18:00 to 06:00, reopening to traffic each morning.
Traffic will diverted through Springside and Crosshouse on the B7081.
From Thursday 29 July at 06:00, works will be carried out under contraflow until they are completed.
Emergency access will be maintained during the road closures and through the works site.
It is anticipated that the resurfacing work will be completed within the timescales stipulated, however the work is weather dependent and any unforeseen difficulties could result in a delay. Updates will be published on the Ayrshire Roads Alliance website www.ayrshireroadsalliance.org