Improvement works Victoria Bridge, Kilmarnock
Update Tuesday 8 March 2022 - Phase One was scheduled to finish by Thursday 10 March but is now expected to finish by the end of April. A full update is available from the Ayrshire Roads Alliance website https://blog.ayrshireroadsalliance.org/1170-2/
The Ayrshire Roads Alliance, as part of its ongoing bridge improvement programme, will be carrying out essential works to Victoria Bridge and retaining walls on Welbeck Street and Queen’s Drive, Kilmarnock.
The works, which will take place in three phases, are due to start on Thursday 6 January 2022 and will continue for four months. To undertake these works safely and efficiently, affected roads will be closed at times during this period and every effort will be made to keep closures to a minimum.
Motorists are advised to watch out for the Advance Notification Signage, which will be erected on site ahead of each phased closure.
Phase one – is due to start on Thursday 6 January and continue until Thursday 10 March. During phase one, New Mill Road will be closed from the junction with Welbeck Street eastwards for 30 metres.
Phase two – is anticipated to start on Friday 11 March and continue until Friday 22 April. During phase two, Lawson Street will be closed from its junction with Welbeck Street westwards for 25 metres.
Phase three – is anticipated to start on Monday 25 April until Friday 29 April. During phase three, the A735 Welbeck Street/ Queen’s Drive will be closed from the junction with New Mill Road/ Lawson Street to the junction with Victoria East Road.
An alternative route for vehicles will be in place during each phase and will be signed accordingly.
Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout the closure periods.
It is hoped that the essential bridge improvement works will be completed within the timescales stipulated, however the work is weather dependent and any unforeseen difficulties could result in a delay. Updates will be published on the Ayrshire Roads Alliance website
For more information please contact the Ayrshire Roads Alliance
Phone: 01563 503 160
E-mail: enquiries@ayrshireroadsalliance.org