Kilmarnock Academy teacher wins Probationer of the Year award
East Ayrshire’s Probationer of the Year award has been presented to former Doon Academy pupil, Samantha Torbet.
A teacher of Geography at Kilmarnock Academy, Samantha has embraced teaching and has proved to be an encouraging and supportive teacher to the young people. In addition to her normal classes, she has worked on environmental projects within the school including the submission to the Clean, Green Education Awards. This work has even led to her entering into correspondence with Sir David Attenborough.
Linda McAulay-Griffiths, Chief Education Officer and Head of Education said: “Samantha has proved to be an exceptional practitioner during her probationary year, often participating in school ventures and activities beyond the classroom and school day. She is a very talented individual whose enthusiasm is infectious and I am delighted that she will be remaining at Kilmarnock Academy next year.
“I am sure the whole school community is celebrating her success in achieving this very well deserved award.”
Councillor Douglas Reid, Leader of the Council said: “I was really pleased to congratulate Samantha Torbet on this wonderful achievement. Samantha has shown ability, enthusiasm and dedication not only to her own classes but to Kilmarnock Academy as a whole. Well done Samantha, we are all very proud of you.”