Kilmarnock Academy wins a national Fair Trade award
Kilmarnock Academy has won a Scottish Fair Trade award, in recognition of its work promoting Fair Trade, at a recent virtual ceremony.
The Scottish Fair Trade Awards 2021 recognised individuals, businesses, faith groups, schools, universities and others who work hard to support Fair Trade in communities across the country.
The team from Kilmarnock Academy, namely Mrs Noakes, Miss Saunders, Jamie, Kirsten and Ruth from S6, won the Fair Trade and Sustainability Award for their resilience and commitment to Fair Trade and sustainability during the pandemic.
The school’s Eco and Fair Trade Group has been involved in various Fair Trade and sustainability initiatives for many years including sales of Fair Trade goods in school, provision of paper and plastic recycling in classrooms, and educating the wider school around sustainability issues.
The school also held a digital Fair Trade event during Fair Trade Fortnight, which included Fair Trade treasure trails, poster competitions and quizzes.
David Rose, Head Teacher said: “We are extremely proud to have won this award which is dedicated to the commitment and determination of the pupil led group and staff involved. It is a true reflection of the reliance and dedication through the most significantly challenging period in educational history in the last 100 years and I hope serves as huge encouragement to our young people, staff and community partners.”
The Chair of the Scottish Fair Trade Forum, Charles Sim, presented the school with their certificate. He said: “Despite the challenges faced over the last year, the students in the group have continued to find ways to share their passion for Fair Trade. As a school actively involved in making ours a vibrant Fair Trade Nation, they deserve to be celebrated as winners of a Fair Trade and Sustainability Award."
Notes to editors
The Scottish Fair Trade Forum is Scotland’s network of Fair Trade supporters, contributing to building a just, equitable and sustainable world through supporting Scotland to remain a vibrant Fair Trade Nation and working to embed the principles of Fair Trade in all aspects of Scottish society.
Find out more about Fair Trade online or social media @FairTradeNation
The Scottish Fair Trade Awards 2021 are hosted by the Scottish Fair Trade Forum to celebrate those who deserve recognition for what they do to support Fair Trade in Scotland.
The full list of winners of the Scottish Fair Trade Awards 2021 includes:
Volunteer: Fraser Boyd, Robert Douglas Memorial Primary School
Outstanding Achievement: St Silas Episcopal Church
Climate partnership: The Balmore Trust and Grace’s Briquette Project
Fair Trade Business: One World Shop
Fair Trade Community: Biggar Primary School
Fair Trade Innovation: B2B Coffee Project
Fair Trade and Sustainability: Kyle Academy Geography and RME Department; University of St Andrews; Kilmarnock Academy Eco and Fair Trade Student Group; Gartconner Early Years Centre and Primary School
Special Recognition: Sue Milne, Gavin’s Mill; Kyle Academy Fairtrade Group