EAC Mauchline Action Plan.

Mauchline launches Community Action Plan

Mauchline launched its Community Action Plan last week with a special celebration event at Centre Stane.

The Community Action Plan 2024-2029 outlines the key priorities that have been identified by members of the community to help make Mauchline an even better place in which to live, work and visit. These priorities include reintroducing the train station; improving outdoor spaces; creating indoor sport and leisure facilities; and hosting more business events such as Farmers’ Markets.

The strength of locally-led Community Action Plans lies in the fact that they uniquely belong to the community and are informed by extensive community engagement prior to them being published.

Councillor Drew Filson, Spokesperson for Localities and Community Wealth Building, said: “Community Action Plans are integral to Community Planning in East Ayrshire. They ensure that local people have a real voice and can influence the decisions which have an impact on their communities.

“This Action Plan really reflects the collective vision that residents of Mauchline have to improve and enhance their community over the next five years, and I’m excited to see the aims of the plan coming to life.”
