New MSYPs elected
The newest Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament were recently elected for the East Ayrshire Council constituencies of Cumnock and Doon Valley and Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley.
Lillie McCluskie, who lives in Patna and attends Wellington School in Ayr, will represent Cumnock and Doon Valley, and Paige Holland and Mark Chan will represent Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley for a two-year term. Paige and Mark both live locally and are pupils at Kilmarnock Academy.
The election announcement was made in Council Chambers by Presiding Officer Kevin Wells, Strategic Lead for Communities, who said: “I would like to thank all the candidates for the hard work involved in their campaigning and to let them know that there are still many opportunities to be part of the youth voice in East Ayrshire. On occasion there may also be an opportunity to attend the National Sittings as a guest. And congratulations to our new MSYPs who, I am sure, will do an incredible job of representing the young people of East Ayrshire.”
The candidates were all supported throughout their election campaigns by their Support Worker, Heather McCormick (Team Coordinator, Vibrant Communities) who will continue to assist them throughout their term.
Notes to editors
Photo caption: left to right: Paige Holland, Mark Chan and Lillie McCluskie