Official ground-breaking at new Drongan housing development
The official ground-breaking has taken place at the Council’s exciting new housing development in Drongan.
The development, which is being built by the Council’s strategic partner CCG (Scotland) Ltd, will include 14 new homes, suitable for general and community care needs on Mill O’Shield Road and Hannahston Avenue.
It will consist of four two-bed homes, one two-bed bungalow for older and ambulant disabled people, one two-bed wheelchair accessible bungalow, seven three-bed homes and one four-bed home.
Councillor Jacqui Todd, Cabinet Spokesperson for Housing, Welfare and Poverty, performed the official ground-breaking and was joined on the site by Leader of the Council, Councillor Douglas Reid and local members Cllrs John Bell, Elaine Dinwoodie and Drew Filson. She said: “Drongan is an area where we have high demand for affordable housing. The site on Mill O’Shield Road and Hannahston Avenue was cleared by the Council to accommodate this new development of 14 homes, which will be completed later in 2022. The new homes will help to regenerate the local area while providing a range of homes that are accessible, attractive and energy efficient and meet the varying needs of our communities.
“Creating affordable homes, supporting the local building industry and creating jobs for local people; the housing building programme within East Ayrshire is changing both lives and our local communities.”
CCG Director John Baggley, said: “Mill O’ Shield Road is the latest example of how East Ayrshire Council and CCG are transforming communities across the regional area with high-quality, highly energy-efficient affordable homes.
“We have worked together now for over five years and we are delighted to bring our expertise to the town of Drongan where construction is well underway and on track to welcome residents later this summer.”
The project is being developed with £0.908m of grant funding from the Scottish Government and will contribute to their target of delivering 110,000 affordable homes by 2032.