Place Based Investment Programme now open for applications
In preparation for the launch of the 2024/25 Place Based Investment Programme, East Ayrshire Council recently hosted two Love Local PBIP 2024 conferences for local community groups.
The Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) is a five-year Scottish Government Investment programme, aiming to support town centre revitalisation and community led regeneration. The programme is now entering its fourth year, and with an indicative allocation of £792,000, East Ayrshire Council is inviting applications for community led projects which are reflected in local Community Action Plans, Place Plans, community engagement activity or through other community led regeneration work.
The conferences, which took place in the Howard Centre Kilmarnock, and Dalmellington Community Centre, were organised the Community Led Regeneration Team,
Local community groups were invited to come along and hear from previous successful groups, learn about their experience with PBIP and how they went about delivering their project.
Officers from East Ayrshire Council were on hand to discuss PBIP funding, the Renewable Energy Fund, East Ayrshire Community Voluntary Organisation (EA CVO), the East Ayrshire Gift Card, support available from Vibrant Communities and general planning advice.
Councillor Drew Filson, Cabinet spokesperson for Localities and Community Wealth Building officially opened both events. He said: “We had a fantastic turn-out at these events and early feedback shows that delegates really appreciated the opportunity to come along and network and to hear first-hand from previous grant recipients, as well as from Council officers.
“The key to the success of Community Wealth Building is communication and events like these make is so much easier for people to find out what is required as part of the application process.
“This year’s programme is open until 31 March 2024, and the team has a number of online events scheduled between now and the closing date, so I would urge local groups to take advantage of these as much as possible.”
Full details of the PBIP process and online events.