EAC Playday 2023 31

Playday fun in Kay Park

The rain stayed away for this year’s Playday which once again saw Kilmarnock’s Kay Park transformed into a celebration of play and fun for over 6000 children and families from across East Ayrshire.

The event was organised by the Council’s Vibrant Communities Play and Early Intervention Team to give children free access to a wide variety of play and engaging activities in various zones including adventure, creative, messy, fun, physical, and free play. 

Assault courses, mud slides, giant games, bubble football, bungee trampolines, canoeing, hay bales and even a silent disco all provided fantastic entertainment for children and their families on the day and there was also the chance to connect with various services at information stalls involving the Council’s partners.

The Council’s catering team provided free food to families during the course of the day, and the Rapid Relief Team (RRT) was also there to hand out 5000 free hot dogs to families at the event. RRT delivers hope and relief to people across the globe, whether it be fire, flood or humanitarian need.

Playday supports all children’s right to play, highlights the importance of physical and emotional health and wellbeing, encourages respect and appreciation of the natural environment and promotes children’s potential development and learning. This year’s theme was ‘Playing on a shoestring – making every day an adventure’, which focuses on the everyday low-cost or no-cost play adventures that children can enjoy at home, in settings, and in our communities.

Councillor Jim McMahon, Cabinet Member for Housing, Welfare and Poverty, Social Care and Mental Wellbeing said: “Playday is always an event that families look forward to each year. This year’s theme is all about the fact that play opportunities don’t need to involve expensive activities, costly toys, or trips that end up costing a fortune. It’s often the simplest ideas, the free opportunities, which can offer the most fun, and be the most developmentally beneficial for children and young people.

“Thanks go to Vibrant Communities for organising another excellent, fun-filled day which was enjoyed by so many!”