Provost and Leader appointed at meeting of East Ayrshire Council
The first meeting of the new East Ayrshire Council, following the elections held on Thursday 5 May, took place today, Thursday 19 May.
- Councillor Jim Todd was elected as Provost
- Councillor Claire Leitch was elected as Depute Provost
- Councillor Douglas Reid was elected as Leader
- Councillor Jim McMahon was elected as Depute Leader
Cabinet Members elected at the meeting are as follows:
Councillor Douglas Reid, Leader of the Council and Chair of Cabinet also with responsibility for Covid Recovery, Strategic Planning, Community Wealth Building and Regeneration
Councillor Jim McMahon, Depute Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing, Welfare and Poverty, Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Addiction and Recovery
Councillor Neal Ingram - Cabinet Member with responsibility for Community Safety, Roads and Transportation and Community Cohesion
Councillor Iain Linton - Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Digital
Councillor Clare Maitland - Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning, Human Resources and Property
Councillor Elaine Cowan - Cabinet Member with responsibility for Lifelong Learning, Education and Skills and Culture
Councillor Graham Barton - Cabinet Member with responsibility for Children and Young People, Net Zero, Environment, Climate Change and Equalities and Inclusion
Councillor Drew Filson - Cabinet Member with responsibility for Localities (to be further developed)
Councillor Maureen McKay, Leader of the Labour Opposition Group
Councillor Barry Douglas, Depute Leader of the Labour Opposition Group
Councillor John McFadzean, Leader of the Conservative Opposition Group
East Ayrshire is divided into nine wards and there are 32 elected members. The composition of East Ayrshire Council is - Scottish National Party (SNP) 14, Labour 10, Conservative 4, Independent 3 and Rubbish Party 1.