Pupils are making great shakes at St Jo’s
St Joseph’s Academy pupils will be improving their chances of employability in the future by working at the school’s new ‘Shakers Milk Shake Bar’ which was officially launched this week.
Created to replicate a commercial milkshake bar as closely as possible, the project will provide hospitality services as part of a project aimed at improving young people’s job prospects.
Funding of £3670 came from Developing Young Workforce Ayrshire and Prince’s Trust Scotland with training support provided by Ayrshire College.
Councillor Fiona Campbell, Cabinet Member for Skills and Learning, said: “This is a fantastic initiative which will provide training and real time experience for ten pupils from S5/S6. It will allow them to provide a ‘real life service’ and help them to prepare for the world of work. And if their delicious milkshakes are anything to go by, then they’re off to a great start!”
Claire Baird, Developing Young Workforce Project Executive, said: “We are absolutely delighted to support such an innovative project and are very impressed by the way it has been implemented with the full involvement of the young people.”
Walter Smith, Prince’s Trust Ayrshire Chair, added: “The ‘Shakers’ project will develop the soft skills that potential employers are looking for in young people including communication, commitment, customer services and courtesy.”
Notes to editors
Photo Caption: Councillor Fiona Campbell and representatives from DYW, Prince’s Trust and Ayrshire College with pupils at the launch.