IMG E0486

Recruitment event success

Five hundred local job hunters had their prospects boosted last week at the latest in a series of highly successful recruitment events held at Kilmarnock’s Grand Hall. With 50 stalls from local employers and training agencies,  potential candidates could choose from a huge range of opportunities, from care work to construction,  and retail work to careers with the Fire Service, Army  and Stagecoach.

Five hundred local job hunters had their prospects boosted last week at the latest in a series of highly successful recruitment events held at Kilmarnock’s Grand Hall. With 50 stalls from local employers and training agencies,  potential candidates could choose from a huge range of opportunities, from care work to construction,  and retail work to careers with the Fire Service, Army  and Stagecoach.

Feedback from the day was overwhelmingly positive. With participants  saying:

“The event was very helpful. I have just moved here and it’s helped a lot”

“it was a great day, staff were very knowledgable”

“A very good event, I made contacts that I never knew previously”

“It was perfect, very useful”

Employers and training organisations involved commented that the event was very worthwhile and they would attend again.

Councillor Jim Roberts, Cabinet Member for Economy and Infrastructure said: “It’s good to know that so many people have made the effort to come along and see what’s on offer. We run these events a couple of times a year and they’re becoming more successful every time.  We know we’ve got talented people of all ages out there looking for jobs and we also know that there are employers who are willing to invest time and money into finding and training the best people to support their businesses – these events bring the two together – it’s a win win in terms of providing a skilled, happy workforce who can help us all build and strengthen our local economy.”

East Ayrshire Council’s Employability team works with many other agencies to provide jobs, training and apprenticeship opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.  For more information visit or contact  or phone 01563503000