Report It!

Report It! - the new Greener Communities reporting system

Greener Communities has launched a new online system to help residents report issues within their communities.

Report It! is really easy to use. There’s no need to download a special app – it is available on the front page of the Council’s website

There are 15 different issues that you can report including playpark equipment, graffiti, littering, dog fouling and any issues within our cemeteries.

Take a photo with your phone then click on the link on the front page of the website, select the issue you want to report, scroll down to add some background information and a location, then upload your photo. It really is that straightforward.

Your report will be sent to Greener Communities for processing and assigned to the appropriate team to deal with the issue. For graffiti, if it is highly offensive, the team will aim to attend within two working days. Remember we can only remove graffiti from buildings in public ownership, it is the responsibility of the owner in all other cases.

Councillor Jim McMahon, Spokesperson for Housing, Transport and Communities said: “Report It! is a new feature on the Council’s website that will make reporting issues or concerns within communities so much easier. There are 15 different categories that you can report and by adding a photo it makes the whole process straightforward and more efficient. It is essential, as we move forward that our services are delivered as efficiently as possible, while keeping our green spaces and cemeteries clean and safe for everyone to use.”