Review of parking public consultation
Parking arrangements across East Ayrshire are under the spotlight and a public consultation is underway seeking your views on this important issue.
Following the Budget, set by East Ayrshire Council on Thursday 28 February, it was agreed that off-street parking charges in Kilmarnock would be increased from 80p to £1 per hour from 8 April 2019 and that a wider consultation on parking arrangements would be undertaken as part of the Transformation Strategy.
There are a number of proposals for communities to consider, including introducing off street car parking charges on Saturdays in Kilmarnock, extending the parking enforcement period to 08:00 to 18:00, creating new on street parking spaces in Kilmarnock and a free residents parking scheme, that would lead to the introduction of charging for non-residents.
Proposals also include the introduction of parking charges in Cumnock, Galston, Mauchline and Stewarton and the creation of an East Ayrshire wide community led regeneration fund, linked to income that could potentially be generated from these proposals.
Gathering feedback from people who live, work or visit East Ayrshire is essential and will help Elected Members to decide which, if any of these proposals, are implemented.
Drop in events will be held on:
- Tuesday 2 April at Mauchline Centre Stane from 16:00 to 20:00
- Wednesday 10 April at Cumnock Town Hall from 16:00 to 20:00
- Wednesday 17 April at Stewarton Area Centre from 16:00 to 20:00
- Wednesday 24 April at The Portland, Galston from 16:00 to 20:00
- Thursday 2 May at Celebrate Kilmarnock Base, King Street from 14:00 to 20:00
Further details and an online parking survey are available on the Council’s website.
If you can’t make any of the drop in events please take five minutes to fill out the online survey. The survey will be open until Friday 10 May.
Engagement with the business community is already well underway with further events planned to ensure that their views and ideas are reflected in the final plans.