Roon the Toon runs prize for schools
Teachers, parents and pupils from schools across East Ayrshire are getting their running shoes on in a bid to win £500 for their school funds.
Kilmarnock’s 10k road race, Roon the Toon, is hosted by the Kilmarnock Harriers and will be held on Sunday 9 June. This year the Roon the Toon team have introduced a new Schools Challenge category.
Teams of ten runners or more can include pupils over 15 years of age, teachers, parents and carers. Annanhill Primary in Kilmarnock was the first school to sign up with a team of twelve runners and are in with a great chance of winning the first prize of £500.
Councillor Fiona Campbell, Cabinet Member for Skills and Learning said: “Roon the Toon is a fantastic event that is growing year on year. On Sunday 9 June, our schools have the opportunity to participate in the Schools Challenge and win £500 for their funds.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for people get more active, set a great example to our young people and help their school in the process. Everyone taking part will be a winner in my eyes.”
For more information about Roon the Toon and how to sign your school up for the Schools Challenge check out - http://www.roonthetoon.com/