Social work report highlights successes and challenges

Despite the harsh economic climate, East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership continues to deliver social work and social care services which are making real, positive changes to the lives of local people.

Chief Social Work Officer, Marion MacAulay, presented the 2018/19 annual report on the delivery of social work services at a full Council meeting last week.

The report highlights many real achievements across children’s services, social work justice, adult and community care and social work out of hours services as part of Ayrshire Urgent Care Services.  

Highlights included:

  • The Whole Systems Approach - with its emphasis on early and effective interventions has resulted in a long-term reduction in referrals to Scottish Children’s Reporters’ Administration on offence grounds. The approach aims to understand the reasons why young people offend, encourage meaningful engagement with young people and increased involvement of supporting partnership services at an earlier stage in the young person’s journey.
  • The introduction of a Court Support protocol for all under 18 year olds appearing in sheriff courts and the introduction of ‘Welcome home bags’ for use when a child is met on release from prison. This initiative has been recognised by the Centre of Youth and Criminal Justice at Strathclyde University as excellent practice.
  • Local Area Coordinators were recognised and commended for the work they do to support people with disabilities or complex needs, helping them live a full life in their community as well as arranging access to other services such as Rehabilitation and Intermediate Care, and End of Life services.
  • ‘Think TEC’, an initiative using technology where appropriate, is being widely adopted to help keep people safe and cared for, and communities protected. This development will continue to help people stay connected and will be used in the delivery of many more services in the future.
  • A new multi-agency Transitions Pathway has been introduced to assist practitioners in enabling young people with complex needs make a smoother transition between child and adult services.

The full report was warmly welcomed and approved at the East Ayrshire Council meeting on 31 October.

Councillor Iain Linton, cabinet member with responsibility for wellbeing, said: “These far-thinking initiatives are bringing real benefits to our communities and the young people themselves.

“Improving the health and wellbeing of our community is central to the Partnership’s approach and initiatives such Front Door Services and Care at Home are making a big difference in the lives of our older and less able residents.”

“As expected, challenges remain but the Partnership continues to learn, develop and look for better and more supportive ways of working together for the benefit of the people who use the services, communities, and staff, in order to deliver the best health and social care outcomes for East Ayrshire.”


The full annual report is available here.

Contact Information

Kay McKay, Communications Programme Officer

01563 554482 or 07733300607

Notes to editors


Notes for Editors

  • The Chief Social Work Officer has responsibility for the oversight of all public protection matters as well as ensuring the delivery of safe, effective and high quality practice of the social work and social care throughout East Ayrshire.
  • On 30 June 2016, Council approved the East Ayrshire Social Work/Social Care Governance Framework (the Framework), which sets out the social work and social care governance arrangements to ensure the delivery of safe, effective and high quality practice and service delivery in East Ayrshire.
  • The Chief Social Work Officer reports directly to the Chief Executive (to the Director of Health and Social Care as Head of Service) and is a member of the Executive Management Team, the Corporate Management Team and the East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership Management Team.
  • The Chief Social Work Officer leads a Social Work and Social Care Leadership Forum to ensure oversight of social work professional issues across the Health & Social Care Partnership. This forum reports activity to the Health & Social Care Clinical and Care Governance Forum.
  • The Chief Social Work Officer provides advice to the Chief Executive in her role as the Chair of the Chief Officers Group on public protection matters. 
  • The Chief Social Work Officer is a member of the Integration Joint Board and is a member of the East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Clinical and Care Governance Group.
  • The Chief Social Work Officer Report reports on progress towards the 15 National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes which are as follows:


National Outcomes for Children for Children

Outcome 1:       Our children have the best start in life.

Outcome 2:       Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective

            contributors and responsible citizens.

Outcome 3:       We have improved the life chances for children, young people and families

                       at risk.

National Outcomes for Health and Wellbeing

Outcome 4:       People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing

                         and live in good health for longer.

Outcome 5:       People, including those with disabilities, long term conditions, or who are

                         frail, are able to live, as far as reasonably practicable, independently and at

                         home or in a homely setting in their community.

Outcome 6:       People who use health and social care services have positive experiences

                         of those services, and have their dignity respected.

Outcome 7:       Health and social care services are centred on helping to maintain or

                         improve the quality of life of people who use those services.

Outcome 8:       Health and social care services contribute to reducing health inequalities.

Outcome 9:       People who provide unpaid care are supported to look after their own

                        health and wellbeing, including to reduce any negative impact of their

                        caring role on their own health and wellbeing.

Outcome 10:     People who use health and social care services are safe from harm.

Outcome 11:     People who work in health and social care services feel engaged with the

work they do and are supported to continuously improve the information,

support, care and treatment they provide.

Outcome 12:     Resources are used effectively and efficiently in the provision of health and

social care services.

National Outcomes Justice

Outcome 13:     Community safety and public protection.

Outcome 14:     The reduction of reoffending.

Outcome 15:     Social inclusion to support desistance from offending