Success is locally bred with Place Based Investment Programme
A Steering Group formed from members of the communities in Dalrymple, Skeldon and Hollybush is celebrating after they won a Scotland Loves Local award for the Climate and Net Zero for their work to create an exciting new wetland habitat and wildlife haven on the edge of the village of Dalrymple.
The new area, which is contributing to wellbeing of human, wildlife and plants, while restoring the landscape to cope better with the effects of climate change, is just one of a number of innovative community initiatives which have been transforming lives and landscapes thanks to funding from East Ayrshire’s Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP).
Cabinet this week heard an update on the five year Scottish Government funded investment programme, with outlines of the success of projects across East Ayrshire in Year Two (2022/23), progress in Year Three (2023/24) and plans for Year Four (2024/25).
Many of the projects depend on funding from a number of sources, with the PBIP funding picking up capital costs which wouldn’t normally be funded from existing budgets.
Since April 2023 another six projects have been completed – bringing the total so far to eleven. They are:
Stewarton Initiatives, Hub at the Cross
The Hub provides a safe place for groups to talk and meet and serves as a flexible drop-in and information centre which can be used by other groups can use to promote their activities
The Gatehead Bridge Project
Installation of a range of 24 solar panels and related battery storage pack on the roof of the newly leased community centre to tackle energy costs and contribute to net zero
DART (Darvel Area Regeneration Team) Morton Park play area upgrade
Upgrade sandbox to complement EAC upgrading of the play park
NewRiver REIT UK Ltd, Brighten up Burns Mall
Improved the aesthetics of Burns Mall including new signage, external/internal decoration, commissioned murals, lighting and landscaping
Crossroads Community Hub, Best Health for All
Purchase of equipment including blast chillers, a commercial refrigerator, two freezers and commercial food mixer
Kilmarnock Station Railway Heritage Trust
Refurbishment of room space at Kilmarnock Railway Station to provide counselling services.
Commenting on the progress, Councillor Drew Filson, Cabinet Member for Localities and Community Wealth Building said: “It’s exciting to hear about the progress of all these projects and to see and hear just what a difference they’re making to our local communities.
“Key to all our Place Based Investment projects is the way in which they’re led by the communities themselves, we can facilitate and help with funding, but it’s the ideas, the co-operative working and the passion and commitment from local people to make positive changes which really makes these projects a success.
“By consulting and working with groups who live and work In our communities to identify exactly what’s needed, wanted and will make the biggest difference, we can all share our ideas and direct our money and efforts to help build stronger, happier, healthier and more prosperous communities. And this programme is going some way to help make those changes happen.”
“We’ve also had some great successes with those groups whose projects didn’t meet the criteria for PBIP. With help from our Community Led Regeneration projects such as the Cumnock Memory Garden, New Cumnock Re-Use Hub, Cumnock Men’s Shed and Catrine Community Trust were all able to access funding from other sources."
Funding for Year Four of includes £500,000 of Shared Prosperity Funding, in addition to the £792,000 already earmarked for the scheme. Applications for the new funding round will open on 26 January, with all interested parties urged to note interest and come along to conferences being held on 22 and 25 January 2024
For details about the programme, and to note interest, please contact: towncentreregeneration@east-ayrshire.gov.uk
- Visit Place Based Investment webpage
- Read the Cabinet Report
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