Lugar Bowling Club defib handover

Sweco UK donates life-saving community defibrillator

Lugar Bowling Club Club recently received life-saving equipment donated by Sweco UK

This unique initiative, devised by the Council’s Health and Safety Service and Procurement, encourages local contractors to donate life-saving equipment for distribution within the communities where they are undertaking work, as part of their obligations to provide wider local community benefits during the life of their contract with the Council.

Applications are welcomed from any community groups and clubs based in East Ayrshire who would like to benefit from this equipment. Further details on how the initiative works and how to apply can be found on the East Ayrshire Council website including a fill list of locations of current defibrillators in East Ayrshire, how to register your defibrillator and information on how to use and maintain the equipment.

Photo Caption

L - R Front row – Councillor William Lennox, Councillor Alyson Simmons, Councillor Linda Holland and Councillor Claire Leitch

L - R – Back row - Councillor Jim McMahon, Frank Johnstone (East Ayrshire Council), David Lamont  and Derek Wallace