Two weeks to have your say on Council’s future budget
East Ayrshire Council is seeking the views of individuals and communities over the next two weeks as they prepare to set the revenue budget for 2023/24.
At Cabinet this morning, elected members approved community engagement proposals, commencing 18 January until 1 February 2023.
Inflation is having a real impact on Council finances, like all businesses and households across East Ayrshire and beyond, with increases in food and energy costs in particular.
In October 2022 the Council intimated that its expenditure over the next five years will exceed income by around £39 million over that time and, for the year ahead, the Council has identified a budget gap of £8 million. Services have already taken steps to identify a range of expenditure reduction options totalling £4.070 million to help close that gap.
Across East Ayrshire and beyond, businesses and households are having to deal with the impact of inflation, particularly in relation to food and energy, and the Council is no exception. Council income is being eroded as costs continue to rise.
The engagement process will seek the views and comments of residents and businesses and inform the Council’s future decision making, and will focus on the key themes and priorities identified in the Council’s 5 year Strategic Plan:
- Building a fairer economy
- Tackling poverty and inequality
- Improving community wellbeing
- Supporting children and young people
- Delivering a Clean, Green East Ayrshire
- Financial sustainability and ensuring resilience
Over the next two weeks, officers from the Council will be meeting with trade union representatives, Young Person’s Cabinet, Equalities Forum, Parent Strategy Group and the local business community to identify what matters most to them whilst also setting out the financial challenges that lie ahead.
Full details are set out in the Budget Update Report.
Visit the budget consultation website.
The final budget proposals will be presented to Full Council on Thursday 23 February 2023.