Use your vote on 5 May
Ahead of the Council elections on Thursday 5 May, voters are being reminded of some simple steps they can take to make sure they can have their say on the day.
1) Check where you should vote. Details of your polling station will be on your poll card. If you have not received it or are unsure of where to go to vote, call the election office helpline on 01563 576555. Polling stations will be open from 7am – 10pm.
2) Bring your poll card with you to the polling station as it will speed things up. But don’t worry if you don’t have it; you can still vote without it.
3) In this election, you will need to vote using numbers. On your ballot paper, you should number the candidates in order of preference by placing a 1 next to your first choice, a 2 next to your second choice, a 3 next to your third choice and so on. You can make as many or as few choices as you wish. As long as you number at least one candidate, your vote will be counted. Voters are advised not to mark the ballot paper in any other way or their vote may not count.
4) If you’re unsure of how to complete your ballot paper, there are instructions on the ballot paper, within the polling booths, or a member of staff will be able to help you. If you make a mistake on your ballot paper, you can ask for a new one.
5) When you have completed the ballot paper, fold it, show the back of the paper to staff and then pop it in the ballot box.
6) If you have a postal vote but have left it too late to post back, you can drop it off at any polling station within the East Ayrshire voting area before 10pm on the day of the election.
COVID measures will be in place at polling stations to help you vote safely. All polling stations are also fully accessible. Staff are trained and have access to equipment to help disabled electors to vote in secret or with the assistance of polling station staff. Disabled electors can also bring a companion to assist them to vote at a polling station.
Eddie Fraser, Returning Officer, said: “Make sure you vote on 5th May for the people who will represent you in the council and help to make decisions about how your local services are provided.
“We’re hoping for a good turnout at the election and I’m sure that people will find the arrangements to allow them to cast their votes easy, safe and efficient.”
For more information on voting and the Scottish Council Elections, visit www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voter