We are seeking your views on future housing needs!
A survey about the housing needs and future aspirations of local households has been launched by the Council in partnership with professional market research company, Research Resource.
The survey, which is open to all residents, will allow the Council to better understand the housing circumstances and needs of our communities. The results will help shape plans for new housing and housing services, helping to ensure that future needs are met.
It is important that the results of the survey accurately reflect East Ayrshire’s communities so we are seeking the views of residents of all ages, living in all types of housing.
The online survey will be supported by 400 telephone interviews to be carried out by Research Resource with households across the area. Telephone interviews will start on Monday 19 February and will continue over a period of six weeks.
Councillor Jim McMahon, Spokesperson for Housing, Transport and Communities said: “The demographics of our communities change over time, it is therefore essential that we determine housing needs and demand so that we can plan for the future and ensure that resources are focused on delivering what is needed and when. I think it goes without saying, that this is a huge task and I hope that in addition to the telephone interviews that will be carried out by the team from Research Resource, our communities will take a bit of time to fill in the online survey.”
All survey responses will be for research purposes only and it will not be possible to identify individuals from the responses. Research Resource are registered under the Data Protection Act and all responses will be completely confidential.
You can access the online survey by scanning the QR code.