You could help save a life
This Organ Donation Week, people across East Ayrshire are being urged to join the NHS Organ Donor Register, and give hope to the 550 people still waiting for an organ transplant in Scotland.
Although over half the nation is already on the Register, a campaign called ‘We Need Everybody’ is encouraging people who aren’t registered to help make a difference. Increasing registrations is vital, as less than one per cent of deaths in Scotland happen in circumstances where the person is actually able to donate their organs. With one person dying every day in the UK while waiting for an organ transplant, the more people who join, the more lives that can be saved.
If you support organ donation, you should share your decision. It’s not always an easy subject to bring up, but your family is twice as likely to agree to donation if they know it’s what you would want.
Eddie Fraser, Director of East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership, said: “Through organ donation, the lives of up to seven people can be changed from one donor and many more if tissue is donated. All the major organs including kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, pancreas and the small bowel can be transplanted.
“Although around nine out of ten people in Scotland agree with organ donation, only five out of ten have recorded their decision by joining the Organ Donor Register, so I’d urge anyone who has not yet registered to seriously consider doing so.”
Dr Alistair Meikle, Consultant Anaesthetist, said: “It’s so important that the local community gets behind behind Organ Donation Week and helps to raise awareness of this crucial issue. Just over 44 per cent of Ayrshire and Arran residents are on the Organ Donor Register – this is under the national average of around 50 per cent. By getting people talking about organ donation we hope to get more people signed up. Increasing registrations is vital, as less than one per cent of deaths in Scotland happen in circumstances where the person is actually able to donate their organs – the more people that sign up, the more lives can be saved.”
Help make Organ Donation Week count and join the NHS Organ Donor Register today. Find out more at www.weneedeverybody.org
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Diane Bowler, Staff Nurse; Councillor Tom Cook; Councillor Lillian Jones; Clare Brennan, Senior Charge Nurse; Eddie Fraser, Director of East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership; Pauline Murray, Deputy Charge Nurse; Colin Faichney, Transplant Co-ordinator.