16 Days campaign set to launch to highlight issues of gender-based violence
An early launch of East Ayrshire’s 16 Days of Action campaign took place at Netherthird Community Centre this week, starting off a series of East Ayrshire events that will raise awareness of gender-based violence from 25 November until 10 December.
Spearheaded by East Ayrshire’s Violence Against Women Partnership, the campaign features a programme of informative and inclusive events which are being supported by partner agencies.
Encouraging people to sign the White Ribbon Scotland pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women in all its forms will be a running theme throughout the campaign, and Scotrail will be supporting this by hosting a White Ribbon pledge signing event at Kilmarnock train station on Monday 25 November from 12pm to 6pm. You can also sign the pledge online at https://www.whiteribbonscotland.org.uk/make-your-pledge/
Other events taking place include a Reclaim the Night march on the evening of Tuesday 26 November, organised by the STAR Centre, which encourages people to stand against gender-based violence. Everyone is welcome to join the march around Kilmarnock town centre which will leave from Tesco Extra car park on West Shaw Street at 5.30pm.
The Council will also light the Kilmarnock viaduct orange on 25 November to place a spotlight on the issue of violence against women and girls.
Councillor Jim McMahon, East Ayrshire’s White Ribbon Champion, said: “Throughout the 16 Days of Action campaign we will be encouraging as many people as possible to support the White Ribbon Scotland pledge. By making this pledge, you will be showing others that it's okay to speak out against violence against women. The more we are willing to do this, the more we can help to change harmful attitudes that condone it.
“This is why the 16 Days campaign continues to be so important. It brings people together to work towards eliminating gender-based violence and encourages us all to take action to support women and girls in our communities."