Fit for the Road event
The Ayrshire Roads Alliance (a partnership with East and South Ayrshire Councils) and North Ayrshire Council road safety teams will be holding a 'Fit for the Road' event for experienced drivers on Tuesday 20 August at Largs Sailing Club.
This free event is open to anyone who lives in Ayrshire and will include Highway Code and hazard perception tests; health and eye checks; first aid demonstrations, and presentations from Police Scotland, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) and a local optician.
Local members of RoSPA Advanced Drivers are also offering the chance to take an assessed drive in your own vehicle. There is normally a charge for this but Ayrshire Roads Alliance and North Ayrshire Council have arranged for a limited number of assessments to be offered on the day for free.
The assessed drives (which you can’t fail) must be booked in advance and you should ensure that your vehicle is in a roadworthy condition; has valid tax, insurance and MOT (if required); and enough fuel/power for a 30-45 minute drive. IAM Roadsmart, the UK's leading road safety charity, are also helping with the driver assessments.
Places can be booked for either the morning session (9.30am-12 noon) or afternoon session (1pm-3.30pm) by emailing roadsafety@north-ayrshire.gov.uk