61 items found, showing page 1 of 6

Station improvements mean easier, safer, greener bus travel for all Kilmarnock passengers
Bus travel in Kilmarnock is getting easier and more comfortable, thanks to a £4.4m refurbishment of the town’s bus station – the culmination of years of work by East Ayrshire Council and its partners.

Electric Vehicle charging update
East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet discussed EV charging this week, with updates being provided on the charge point tariff and the progress of Ayrshire Roads Alliance’s collaboration with North Ayrshire Council around the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy.

5,4,3,2,1 – Shoot to Saturn launches at Patna Primary
Shoot to Saturn, the new active travel initiative, has officially launched at Patna Primary.

Free Christmas parking after 2pm in Kilmarnock town centre
Free parking after 2pm will once again be available within all Council car parks and on-street parking bays in Kilmarnock town centre throughout December to help shoppers at the busiest time of the year.

Successful pilot exercise means non-statutory subsidised school transport service will end in June 2025
Following extensive consultation and a successful pilot exercise held earlier this year, East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet has taken the difficult decision to remove the non-statutory subsidised school transport service for secondary schools only from June 2025.

Junior Road Safety Officer seminar success
61 primary schools from across Ayrshire took part in a Junior Road Safety Officer (JRSO) seminar in Kilmarnock last week.

Multi-storey car park demolition due to start next week
The demolition of the multi-storey car park in Kilmarnock is due to start on Monday 9 September, with work programmed to last for 30 weeks.

Fit For the Road event helps drivers hone their skills
Experienced drivers got the chance to brush up on their driving knowledge and receive advice from road safety professionals at an event organised by Ayrshire Roads Alliance and North Ayrshire Council road safety teams.

Fit for the Road event
The Ayrshire Roads Alliance (a partnership with East and South Ayrshire Councils) and North Ayrshire Council road safety teams will be holding a 'Fit for the Road' event for experienced drivers on Tuesday 20 August at Largs Sailing Club.

Cycling initiative set to continue in East Ayrshire
East Ayrshire Council has agreed to continue working with Love to Ride East Ayrshire until at least March 2025 to encourage new cyclists and support existing ones through a specially designed web platform and app.

Roon the Toon timings and road closures
Kilmarnock’s 10k road race, Roon the Toon, will return on Sunday 9 June at 10am.

Non-statutory subsidised school transport pilot exercise starts soon
The pilot exercise to encourage secondary pupils who currently use non-statutory subsidised school transport to use active travel routes or public bus services instead starts later this month.