Improvement works A71 North Ayrshire boundary to Moorfield roundabout, Kilmarnock and Moorfield roundabout to Bellfield Interchange
The Ayrshire Roads Alliance, as part of its ongoing programme to improve the condition of the road network, will be carrying out essential road maintenance works, including grass cutting, on the A71 on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September.
The essential works will take place from the North Ayrshire boundary at Corsehill roundabout to Moorfield roundabout and vice versa on Saturday 24 September. Both carriageways will be closed from 05:00 until 18:00 and diversions will be in place via Springside and Crosshouse on the B7081.
On Sunday 25 September the A71 will be closed from Moorfield roundabout to the Bellfield interchange and vice versa. Both carriageways will be closed from 05:00 until 18:00. Diversions will be in place.
Emergency access will be maintained during the road closures and through the works site.
If you require further information please email the Ayrshire Roads Alliance at enquiries@ayrshireroadsalliance.org