Next steps agreed for investment in North West Kilmarnock
Following a comprehensive and positive public consultation, Cabinet has agreed to take the next steps to submit a funding bid to the Scottish Government for an inclusive educational development in North West Kilmarnock, on the sites of Mount Carmel Primary and Onthank Primary and Early Childhood Centre.
The consultation outcome has provided support and approval to:
- discontinue the Willowbank Primary School provision within the existing Willowbank School and its relocation to the current Onthank Campus with effect from August 2027 or as soon as possible thereafter
- establish an additional Early Years Transition Facility with the relocated Willowbank Primary School with effect from August 2027 or as soon as possible thereafter
- formally incorporate the existing Inclusion Resource at Onthank Campus as a Supported Learning Centre, which will happen by August 2023
- establish an Early Childhood Centre at Mount Carmel Primary School with effect from August 2027 or as soon as possible thereafter.
On taking this decision, Cabinet fully considered all relevant written representations submitted during the consultation period, oral representations made at the three public meetings held in May 2022 and Education Scotland’s report on the consultation proposals.
The majority of feedback was positive with the educational benefits widely recognised and welcomed. Concerns raised about the impact on the local community in terms of parking and traffic flow can be addressed further, if the bid is successful, during the design process that will be subject to public consultation. There were some concerns raised regarding staffing and it was confirmed that all areas of education must comply with the national staffing standard and that no young person would suffer detriment due to the proposals.
Parents and carers at Mount Carmel were also concerned that the primary would lose space to the Early Childhood Centre (ECC) but they were reassured that unused space within the school would be redesigned and remodelled to accommodate the ECC and the existing space would therefore not be impacted.
Councillor Elaine Cowan, Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning, Education and Skills and Culture said: “Cabinet has today recognised the support for new investment in North West Kilmarnock and this decision will assist in developing a funding bid which will be brought back to Cabinet as a report for our consideration by the end of October.
“The proposals for an inclusive educational development in North West Kilmarnock, on the sites of Mount Carmel Primary and Onthank Primary and Early Childhood Centre are really exciting for our children and young people and our communities. A shared campus brings great benefits to all children and young people by helping to develop an understanding of different perspectives and experiences.
“The project team from Education is also working to ensure that colleagues from Economic Development are part of the proposal development process as place-making has an important role to play in regenerating key areas, including the North West.
“Our plans for the North West are ambitious, there is no doubt of that. The Council’s Capital Investment Programme includes capital funding of £32m for schools in North West Kilmarnock and an affordability cap has been set at £48m. In the current unsettled economic climate, particularly with inflation looking likely to rise, this means that very careful consideration is required to ensure our long terms objectives are achieved, not just in terms of Onthank and Mount Carmel but also other priorities at Hillhead Primary in Kilmarnock and Lainshaw Primary in Stewarton. This will be considered further within the formal funding bid to be reported to Council later this month. Details will be shared with parents and carers as soon as we can and as plans are developed.”