30 items found, showing page 1 of 3

Leisure and Culture Review obtains Council approval
At a meeting for Full Council yesterday, Elected Members agreed a number of recommendations tabled as part of the Leisure and Culture Review.

Special guests enjoy a delicious school lunch
School Captains, Liam and Kendal, from The Robert Burns Academy gave a warm welcome to guests from the Council who joined them for lunch prepared by Catering Services.

Young people visit St Sophia’s Primary
St Sophia’s Primary School in Galston is currently being refurbished and is set to become the first EnerPHit certified school in the UK – creating a unique learning environment for children and young people.

Revised capital investment proposals give assurances to communities
Earlier this week East Ayrshire Councillors approved a re-profiled Capital Investment Programme over the next five years - putting to rest some of the recent uncertainty surrounding the future of previously approved regeneration and development projects.

Ground officially broken at St Sophia’s Primary
The ground has been officially broken at St Sophia’s Primary in Galston, marking the innovative refurbishment that is now underway.

Future of Auchinleck Leisure Centre is settled
After extensive public consultation, the future of Auchinleck Leisure Centre was settled at a meeting of East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet on Wednesday 14 February 2024, with cross party agreement reached on the final outcome.

Christmas lunch was ho-ho-whole lot of fun
Hurlford Primary School gave a warm, festive welcome to Councillors Graham Barton, Elaine Cowan and Maureen McKay who joined the school for their Christmas lunch, prepared and served by Catering Services.

Catering Services open food kiosk at Ayrshire Athletics Arena
Catering Services has opened a food kiosk at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena on Queens Drive, Kilmarnock.

Mossgiel’s organic milk helps Council mooo-ve away from single use plastics
East Ayrshire Council has mooo-ved away from using single-use plastics in our schools thanks to a contract with the multi-award winning and local dairy farmer, Bryce Cunningham from Mossgiel Organic Farm.

St Sophia’s Primary refurbishment update
At the recent meeting of Cabinet there was great news for the children and young people of St Sophia’s Primary School. Agreement was reached to increase investment for its refurbishment and subsequently award the contract for the construction works to begin.

70th anniversary of the School Crossing Service celebrated at special event
School Crossing Patrollers from across East Ayrshire gathered at Council HQ recently for a special event to mark the platinum jubilee of the School Crossing Patrol Service.

Shortlees community shop supports local people
Shortlees community larder and shop welcomed visitors from the Council recently to find out more about their work to support the local community.