Super Tattie visits Dalmellington Primary
Super Tattie, the Council’s new school meal mascot dropped into Dalmellington Primary recently to meet his creator - Carson from P7.
Earlier this year, Catering Services launched a competition for all primary and special school children and young people seeking a new mascot that would appear on school meal menus and all branding.
Almost 500 entries were received and Carson’s Super Tattie design was selected as the winner by the judging panel, led by Councillor Elaine Cowan, Spokesperson for Lifelong Learning, Education and Skills and Culture.
Super Tattie was a wee bit cheeky. Carson was called to his Head Teacher Mrs Greig’s office and was a bit unsure why he was there; imagine his surprise when Super Tattie jumped out from behind the door. After Carson had recovered, they toured the school and Super Tattie met as many children and young people as possible.
Councillor Elaine Cowan said: “What a brilliant surprise for Carson to meet Super Tattie in real life! This was the first time our new mascot had visited one of our schools so it was absolutely right that Carson got to meet him first.
“When we judged the competition earlier this year, we all loved the concept of a super Ayrshire tattie. Tatties are so versatile, they can be turned into the most delicious meal, added to soup; they are affordable and can be easily grown at home.
“Super Tattie will now be visiting our primary schools and encouraging our children and young people to enjoy a healthy and nutritious school meal.”
The 2022/23 school meal menus, featuring Super Tattie, are available online School meals menu and price list · East Ayrshire Council (east-ayrshire.gov.uk)
The Council’s Catering Services uses organic, local and seasonal produce, wherever possible and has designated meat-free days. All meat on offer is sourced from local butchers and the chicken is Red Tractor assured. Main meals and snacks are served with two fresh seasonal vegetables/fresh salad and a piece of fruit. A pick and mix sandwich option is offered daily with salad dishes, yoghurt, fresh fruit and free bread.