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East Ayrshire Council

Successful pilot exercise means non-statutory subsidised school transport service will end in June 2025

Following extensive consultation and a successful pilot exercise held earlier this year, East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet has taken the difficult decision to remove the non-statutory subsidised school transport service for secondary schools only from June 2025.

East Ayrshire Council

New Community Learning and Development Plan approved

East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet received an update this week on the performance of the East Ayrshire Community Learning and Development Framework 2021-2024 and approved the new Community Learning and Development Plan for 2024-2027.

Provost MND handover

Provost rounds off two-year support for MND Scotland with cheque handover

Provost Jim Todd has presented a cheque for £10,746 to MND Scotland which was raised during his two-year support for the charity.