
116 items found, showing page 9 of 10

MND logo

Provost chooses charity to support for the coming year

East Ayrshire Provost Jim Todd has chosen MND Scotland as the charity he will support for the next year to help raise awareness of this devastating disease.

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Kirkin’ o’ the Council

East Ayrshire’s re-elected new Provost, Jim Todd and many of his fellow East Ayrshire councillors attended the traditional Kirkin’ o’ the Council ceremony last weekend.

Armed Forces Day 1

Council flies the flag for Armed Forces Day

Members of the armed forces gathered at Council Headquarters in Kilmarnock today to pay tribute to the contribution made by all those who serve or have served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces.

Mr & Mrs McKellar PW

George and Anne McKellar celebrate Platinum Wedding Anniversary

Past Provost Barry Douglas visited George and Anne McKellar of Kilmarnock recently to pass on congratulations as they celebrated 70 years of marriage.

Jamie Burns medal presentation 1

Jamie receives Falklands honour

Council employee Jamie Burns received a very special presentation this week ahead of the 40th anniversary of the end of the Falklands War.

East Ayrshire Council

Members’ Allowances and Expenses 2021/2022

East Ayrshire Council has published information on Councillors’ remuneration, Allowances and Expenses that were paid to Councillors during financial year 2021/22.

strategic plan

East Ayrshire gears up for the future with new Strategic Plan consultation

 East Ayrshire Council’s priorities for the next five years are up for discussion with a new Strategic Plan Consultation, launched this week, which is calling on residents, businesses and organisations to comment on the authority’s future decision making and service delivery.

Nellie Douglas 100th birthday 23.5.22

Nellie Douglas celebrates 100th birthday

Nellie Douglas has been celebrating her centenary in Drongan.

Mr & Mrs Scobie 9.3.22 DW

John and Flora Scobie celebrate Diamond Wedding Anniversary

Councillor Drew Filson visited Dalmellington couple John and Flora Scobie recently to congratulate them on 60 years of marriage.

Mr & Mrs Muir BSW

Hugh and Jenny Muir celebrate Blue Sapphire Wedding Anniversary

Former Depute Provost Sally Cogley visited Hurlford couple Hugh and Jenny Muir recently to congratulate them on 65 years of marriage.

Grace McMillan 100th birthday 8.4.22

Grace McMillan celebrates her 100th birthday

Grace McMillan has been celebrating her centenary in Dalmellington.

Mr & Mrs Walker

Fred and Elizabeth Walker Diamond Wedding Anniversary

Former Depute Provost Sally Cogley and Former Councillor John Knapp visited Kilmarnock couple Fred and Elizabeth Walker recently to congratulate them on 60 years of marriage.